Disadvantages of Roller Skating – List of 5 Key


Written by

Marsh Harrison



Godfrey Rice

disadvantages of roller skating

Roller skating can be an exciting activity, but there are also some drawbacks to consider. For example, this sport can be dangerous if you are not careful. It can be physically demanding, difficult to learn, and costly to pursue, too. In addition, finding a place to roller-skate can sometimes be tricky.

So, if you are interested in trying this activity, it is important to be aware of the disadvantages of roller skating and take them into account before you start. Continue reading this blog post to learn all the details.

The Key Disadvantages of Roller Skating

1. Risks of Roller Skating


Roller skating is a fun sport that can offer loads of health benefits. However, it also comes with a share of risks, such as:

  • Butt Pain: Skaters get this when they fall on their butt, which can cause lingering pain for several days.
  • Sore Feet: Pressure exerted on your feet from the skates and constant movement can make them feel sore. An ill-fitting pair or one that is laced too tightly can also be the culprit.
  • Bruises and scrapes: These occur when skaters fall or collide with someone or something. Often, skaters get them on the elbows and knees. That’s why it is important to wear elbow pads and knee pads.
  • Blisters: Your feet are rubbed against the insides of the footwear constantly while skating, so it is easy to get nasty blisters. They can feel itchy or painful for a while. To avoid them, make sure you get proper-fitting skates and socks.
  • Sprains: A lot of roller skaters sprain their wrists all the time because they extend their arms as a reflex when they topple over. Thus, it is extremely important to wear wrist guards.
  • Fractures: This is considered one of the more serious injuries of roller skating. More often than not, it happens as a result of a fall. Nonetheless, some skaters also get fractures because of collisions.
  • Dislocations: Roller skaters tend to dislocate their shoulders and knees, and when this occurs, they must count on surgery for recovery. Their bones and joints are forced out of place, causing excruciating pain.
  • Concussions: When skaters fall on or hit their heads during a crash, they can get a concussion. Concussions can impact the brain’s functions and lead to long-term side effects.

How Dangerous Is It?

The facts and figures of a study by the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 1987 have highlighted that 86% of a sample of 111 cases saw serious injuries. Within these, 28% needed surgical treatment.

As such, wearing proper protective gear is vital when roller skating.

2. Fitness Requirements of Roller Skating


Roller skating can be more physically demanding than some other low-impact activities. You will need strong muscles, good stamina, endurance, and coordination to skate well.

Therefore, professional roller skaters do other training to ensure they are fit for the rigors of skating. Even if you are skating recreationally, it is essential to keep yourself fit.

Is It Bad For My Knees?

Roller skating is a low-impact activity, so it is generally not harsh on the knees. But many skaters can experience knee pain because of over-exercising and bad posture. The latter is particularly common with newbies.

It is essential that the knees do not rotate inward or become locked, as these can add stress and lead to ligament tears. Always make sure that your knees are bent and shielded by protective pads.

Is It Bad For My Back?

Similar to knee pain, back pain doesn’t happen with roller skating unless you are holding bad postures. There can be a light strain, however, if you are just starting for the first time. It takes a bit of time for your back muscles to adjust to the new workout. Stretching to warm up before skating can help minimize the strain.

Is It Bad For My Hips?

Apart from asking if roller skating is bad for your knees, you might wonder if it affects the hips. You can get hip injuries if you fall on your hip. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. Thus, it is critical that you wear your hip pads.

You can also hurt your hips while roller skating if your hip is not used to the movements. This is often the case with new skaters. The trick is to take it easy, ease into skating, and don’t rush the process. You should also stretch your hip muscles as a warm-up.

Is It Good Exercise?

Definitely! Roller skating is an enjoyable and effective way to work out. It exercises the muscles, helping to build and strengthen them. It also burns calories to aid weight loss.

Roller skating is a cardiovascular activity. So, it also improves your heart health. Other benefits include stress relief and self-esteem boost. You can surely count on roller skating as an exercise.

Roller skating also helps you lose weight. Check this guide to know how many calories you can burn.

3. Steep Learning Curve of Roller Skating


Another disadvantage is the learning curve. Roller skating is certainly not easy. It takes a lot to master even the basics: balancing, moving in a straight line, changing directions, stopping, etc.

Because it requires time and effort to learn how to roller-skate, many people may be discouraged and compelled to give up at the beginning.

But, on the bright side, there are a lot of resources available to tackle this disadvantage. A novice skater can hire a skating coach or tutor, enroll in skating classes, watch tutorials online, receive advice from skating community forums, etc.

4. The Cost of Roller Skating

Cost is also a disadvantage of roller skating. Unlike many other low-impact sports, roller skating involves a lot of different expenses.

First, skaters will need to rent or purchase skates. Then, they need to spend money on protective gear, like a helmet, elbow pad, knee pad, wrist guards, and socks.

After that, they need to pay for regular maintenance. Other fees can include lessons, entrance to skate parks or rinks, etc.

Related post:

5. The Venue for Roller Skating


Speaking of entrance to skate parks and rinks, a fourth disadvantage of roller skating is looking for a place to skate. It is not always easy to find a place that is easily accessible, safe, and suitable for your budget.

You will have to do some scouring. Consider visiting skate community forums for suggestions from other people. The key is to find somewhere with hard, smooth surfaces and not too crowded.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How to avoid injuries while roller skating?

  • Learn to fall properly. Knowing how to fall properly can help you avoid an injury, or at least minimize it. The safest ways to fall are on your side or skid on your knees with pads on. Make sure you do not fall directly on your butt or arms.
  • Always wear protective gear. Equipment like a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, and socks can save you in an accident. They are designed to safeguard your body, so it is never a bad idea not to wear them. Before you start, check that you have all your protective gear on.
  • Do not push the boundaries too much. Testing the limits is always a thrill. But it is necessary to know when to stop. Just remember: if you bend too much, you will break!

Your safety must always be the priority. For example, if you want to perform cool stunts and tricks, practice diligently and ease into them. Do a warm-up and cool-down before and after skating, too.

  • Stay focused. In a lot of films and movies, we see characters gliding along in their roller skates with earphones in, totally carefree and detached from everything else. This should never be the case in reality.

If you don’t pay attention to your surroundings while skating, there is a good chance you will get injured. You can crash into something or someone, for instance. This is especially important to remember in busy settings.

Can you die while roller skating?

There is always a chance. But death by roller skates is not common. The most recent person who died while roller skating was back in 1999.


Knowing the 5 disadvantages of roller skating can help you weigh the pros and cons and decide whether this is a good activity to pursue. Remember that these drawbacks are for adults and kids alike.

We hope that you have gotten the information you need from this blog post. Feel free to share this with other readers. Also, check out our other posts for more on roller skating.

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